DSPS Programs SE Computer



Group A (Mandatory)

1. A Vegetable and Fruit Mall wants to organize its vegetables and fruit products in a combination of purchasepattern of customers. Solve the problem by suggesting appropriate data structures. Design necessary class.

2. A Dictionary stores keywords & its meanings. Provide facility for adding new keywords, deleting keywords,& updating values of any entry. Also provide facility to display whole data sorted in ascending/ Descendingorder, Also find how many maximum comparisons may require for finding any keyword. Make use ofappropriate data structures.

3. A news paper delivery boy every day drops news paper in a society having many lanes & each lane havemany houses. Design a program to provide different paths that he could follow & also suggest the path whichwill make him to finish his task with less effort. Solve the problem by suggesting appropriate data structures.Design necessary class

4. Extending to problem 2. Consider dictionary data is stored in a file in random order. Thus, to search anythe word & its meanings from given data, program should create reasonably balanced tree.

Group B Assignments (At least 6)

1. Write a program using object oriented programming features to implement Doubly circular linked list withdifferent manipulation facilities in C++.

2. Write a modular program using object oriented programming features to implement different sortingmethods(quick, merge, radix, shell, heap sort) using Python.

3. Write a modular program using object oriented programming features to implement primitive operations onof Queues using Java Frame/Applet.

4. Write a program using object oriented programming using C++ to create a binary tree if inorder& preorder orinorder & postorder any two traversals are given.

5 Write a C++ program to implement traversals on Threaded Binary Tree using object oriented programmingfeatures. Design necessary class.

6. Write a Java program to implement topological sorting on graph using object oriented programming featuresDesign necessary class.

7. Write a program to find shortest path for given source & destination of a given graph using C.

8. Write a C program to generate optimal Binary Search Tree for given data.(NOT AVAILABLE)

9. Write a modular program to implement primitive operations on Min/Max Heap using object oriented programming features Design necessary classes using Python(NOT AVAILABLE)

10. Write a C program to perform insert node, delete node and display operations on B tree.

11 Tic-Tac- Toe gaming application using C++ Programming

12 Binary tree traversals BFS & DFS using Python classes(NOT AVAILABLE)

13 Write a Java program on Android/Win Platform that uses a hashing algorithm to create a list of inventory parts and their qualities sold in the past month. After creating the hashed list write a simple menu driven user interface that allows the user to select from the following options: a) Search for an inventory item and report its quantity sold b) Print inventory parts and their quantities sold c) Analyze efficiency of algorithm (NOT AVAILABLE)

14 Write a program in Python - to implement following operations on text file :- create , Read,calculate the frequency of each vowel, Count the words, characters, lines, white space & specialcharacters, Write all the results into another text file

15 Write a program in C++ to implement hash table and handle the collision using linear probing and chaining. (with or without replacement) for employee information Using the above implement direct access file mechanism.(NOT AVAILABLE)

16 Write a program to create a binary tree if preorder & post-order traversals are given in JAVA.

Group C (At least One)

1. Write bubble Sort program using Python programming.

2. Write binary search program using multithreading in Java programming.

3. Write Tree Traversal Program using Java programming.


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