OSA Programs SE computer

A Group A Assignments (Mandatory)

1. Implementation of Create/ rename/ delete a file using Unix/Linux commands

2. Write a function to display the list of devices connected to your system including the physicalnames and its instance number. Write a function using mount and unmount command tomount device and un-mount it

3. Adding users and access rights

4. Implement the commands for creation and deletion of directory. Write a program to changecurrent working directory and display the node details for each file in the new directory.

5. Process related commands list the processes for the current shell, Display information aboutprocesses, Display the global priority of a process, change the priority of a process withdefault arguments.

6. Use Operating system Commands to obtain the following results1. To print the name of operating system2. To print the login name3. To print the host name 

B Group B Assignments (At least 6)

1. Write a C/C++ script to display all logged in users.

2. C/C++ Program to display the list of devices connected to your system including the physicalnames and its instance number.

3. C/C++ Program to Parent creating the child process by use of fork.

4. C/C++ Program to assign nice values to processes and dynamically monitor them.

5. C/C++ program to identify the available memory in the system.

6. C/C++ Scripts required to start, stop and perform daily cleanup tasks.

7. Write Java script to display all logged in users. Count the number of logged-in users. Write aprogram to create a foreground and background process for th selected user and display itsstatus.

8. Java Program to Identify the available memory in the system..

9. Java Program to display the list of devices connected to your system including the physicalnames and its instance number.

10. Java Program to List the processes for the current shell, Display information about processes,Display the global priority of a process, Change the priority of a process with default arguments.

11. Java Working with startup scripts. (Init script)

12. Java Scripts required to start, stop and perform daily cleanup tasks.

13. Write python script to display all logged in users.

14. Python Program to demonstrate debugging of script.

16 Python Program to assign nice values to processes and dynamically monitor them.

17. Write a Perl program that reads a file and counts the number of lines, characters, and words itcontains and also prints count of the number of times the word appeared

18. Write a daemon process that monitors a directory and reports the changes in directorycontents.(e.g. addition of new files, directory access times etc) 

C Group C (At least One)

1. Write program to find number of CPU cores and CPU Manufacturer



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